No Age Limit in Education
Its been almost a year that I have not written anything in my blog as I have been busy with my finals and work. One week ago on the 10th November 2011, I finally graduated and received the parchment that have been due for 5 years at the age of 27 years old. And yes there is no age limit to education as I personally find delaying my degree to work has been helpful throughout my studies. It is indeed an emotional phase of my life to receive it as on that day it marked the hard work I went through and the sweat and tears of my parents throughout the journey.
Syukur Allhamdulilah!
It was indeed the best moment of my life, having both my loving parents, aunts and sister (she was waiting outside tho) look at me walk down the hall with my graduation gown. As I waited for the ceremony to start, I can't help but to constantly turn my head and tears rolled down to see my parents seated right above me. Thank you Ibu & Abah for all the support and for putting up with me, here is my degree and its for the both of you. I am proud to be your daughter and I am lucky to have the both of you in my life.
As the ceremony begins, the President requested us to stand and turn our back and look at the faces of our parents and applaud them for giving us the best education through out the years. We clapped our hands as loud as we could but I know its never enough to repay them for all that they have done for us. So future graduates, always remember the back bone of every success is your parents and no one else.
This will be a short entry by me as there are no words that could exactly describe how I feel and my only intention of this post is to tell people out there that there are no age limit in education and to always be grateful of your parents. They have done so much for us from the day we are born holding our fragile hands until we are strong enough to stand on own two feet. Congratulations goes to my Ibu & Abah, you are the best in the world.