Dublin In White
Its been very cold these few days...Oh this makes me rindu Malaysia...I want the sun badly right now...Posted some pictures on Facebook and yes everyone seems to like the album,just by looking at the snow...Well, the grass is not always greener on the other side my friends...It is uber cold...
Here are some pics which made someone laughed...Apparently, my snowman is very ketot and looks like a midget...
Whaddaya think?Isn't he a cutie...I can't write much these few days due to my exams...After almost 5 years of working and now I have to sit for an exam...I've never felt like pissing in my pants this bad in my life before...Takpe la, I will do my very best but I cannot promise anything since its a written exams...Like what I told daddy and mummy...."Mum,I just wish all exams are just tested through bercakap, I am sure I'll do well"...Ya ya ya, like that will ever happen...
Ok so here are some pictures to share....

I'll post more pictures soon...Nanti takde cerita pulakkan...Next will be the snowman and the anak-anak on my next post which I will relate to some stories of my childhood in it...
Back to the books now...
"I looked always outside of myself to see what I could make the world give me instead of looking within myself to see what was there."
-Belle Livingstone-
Its been very cold these few days...Oh this makes me rindu Malaysia...I want the sun badly right now...Posted some pictures on Facebook and yes everyone seems to like the album,just by looking at the snow...Well, the grass is not always greener on the other side my friends...It is uber cold...
Here are some pics which made someone laughed...Apparently, my snowman is very ketot and looks like a midget...
Whaddaya think?Isn't he a cutie...I can't write much these few days due to my exams...After almost 5 years of working and now I have to sit for an exam...I've never felt like pissing in my pants this bad in my life before...Takpe la, I will do my very best but I cannot promise anything since its a written exams...Like what I told daddy and mummy...."Mum,I just wish all exams are just tested through bercakap, I am sure I'll do well"...Ya ya ya, like that will ever happen...
Ok so here are some pictures to share....

Back to the books now...
"I looked always outside of myself to see what I could make the world give me instead of looking within myself to see what was there."
-Belle Livingstone-
kak ila~~
so0 cute!!
mish u la..
ble nak blek malaysia??
Glad you start blogging. Can you please re-size your font to something much bigger.
It's a pain and struggle to read.
adek:tq...adek pun comel...hehehe...lama lg nk balik...nk keje...
abah:thanks...hehehe...well its not as interesting as mimi's...i am revamping the blog...soon ok...:)
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