am i not Malaysian enough ah?

I must say I am definitely one of those people who will always remember my roots no matter where I go...I am always proud to say, I AM FROM MALAYSIA to anyone I meet...I am pretty sure that reading the title might make someone ponder if I am going to write something about a person yang 'lupa diri'...Actually what I am about to share is rather funny experience of a Malaysian in a foreign land...
As for those who doesn't know, I study and work part time at a sandwich bar...If you've read my blog you would notice some of previous posts...As we all know, everything that happens daily is a life experience that may be happy,sad or whatever you go through it...Beat it lah kalau jatuh basikal sambil hantar nasi ayam to my sister or my bus rides to college...This experience I had today is rather funny to me...Today is the first day I question myself...Am I not Malaysian enough?
So this is what happen...As usual, I will be at the bar waiting and serving my regular sandwich craze customers...Then comes a student, which is definitely Malaysian too me...I am sure anyone who travels or study abroad will know if someone is from their country tak kisah lah Cina,Melayu or India...Right? Or so I thought this way all the time...So the usual script...Can I help you there?And she replied she wanted a cappuccino...So I made the cappuccino feeling rather happy to get a customer from my country...Ye lah dah lama tak cakap Melayu, hari-hari battle with the lidah belit2...(For example: Would you like some budder(butter)?--->actually ini mengajuk kawan-kawan dari negeri cina yang berusaha gigih untuk mendapatkan accent)
I bluntly asked her, "Are you Malaysian?" And of course my Malaysian instinct was correct..."Yes, I am from Malaysia...You Malaysian ke?Seriously you don't look Malaysian" Honestly, I don't know how to feel...Hello tak nampakkah Melayu/Malaysian written on my face...And I said "Ummm,ye saya orang Malaysia,by the way terima kasih and enjoy your meal."Then the person replied to me"Sorry, you memang tak nampak Malaysian, mesti dah duduk lama sebab your English bukan macam Malaysian...Dah lama duduk and kerja sini ke?" And maybe my answer to her draws a big shock on her face when I told her I just arrived here in September and worked for almost 2 months in Dublin....
Honestly, I am not sure on how should I feel...Insulted?More to confused to me...I think I do look Malaysian and I am always proud to be Malaysian...I have more to tell and I will write more on my experiences here as a foreigner...For this entry I will quote from the legendary Hang Tuah which is...
"Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia" -Hang Tuah-
PS: See I am very Malay ok...
**Picture credits to Kasikampus Blog
As for those who doesn't know, I study and work part time at a sandwich bar...If you've read my blog you would notice some of previous posts...As we all know, everything that happens daily is a life experience that may be happy,sad or whatever you go through it...Beat it lah kalau jatuh basikal sambil hantar nasi ayam to my sister or my bus rides to college...This experience I had today is rather funny to me...Today is the first day I question myself...Am I not Malaysian enough?
So this is what happen...As usual, I will be at the bar waiting and serving my regular sandwich craze customers...Then comes a student, which is definitely Malaysian too me...I am sure anyone who travels or study abroad will know if someone is from their country tak kisah lah Cina,Melayu or India...Right? Or so I thought this way all the time...So the usual script...Can I help you there?And she replied she wanted a cappuccino...So I made the cappuccino feeling rather happy to get a customer from my country...Ye lah dah lama tak cakap Melayu, hari-hari battle with the lidah belit2...(For example: Would you like some budder(butter)?--->actually ini mengajuk kawan-kawan dari negeri cina yang berusaha gigih untuk mendapatkan accent)
I bluntly asked her, "Are you Malaysian?" And of course my Malaysian instinct was correct..."Yes, I am from Malaysia...You Malaysian ke?Seriously you don't look Malaysian" Honestly, I don't know how to feel...Hello tak nampakkah Melayu/Malaysian written on my face...And I said "Ummm,ye saya orang Malaysia,by the way terima kasih and enjoy your meal."Then the person replied to me"Sorry, you memang tak nampak Malaysian, mesti dah duduk lama sebab your English bukan macam Malaysian...Dah lama duduk and kerja sini ke?" And maybe my answer to her draws a big shock on her face when I told her I just arrived here in September and worked for almost 2 months in Dublin....
Honestly, I am not sure on how should I feel...Insulted?More to confused to me...I think I do look Malaysian and I am always proud to be Malaysian...I have more to tell and I will write more on my experiences here as a foreigner...For this entry I will quote from the legendary Hang Tuah which is...
"Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia" -Hang Tuah-
PS: See I am very Malay ok...
**Picture credits to Kasikampus Blog
I am so proud of u for being a true malaysian, stay that way!
lala,its because ila nya accent kan macam mat salleh.budder, neverr, cleverr.hehe.
hehehehe...i suppose so...its so funny when all this things happen...even a Malaysian doesn't know I am Malaysian...How sad is that...
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