I love eating oranges and of course I am aware of the sugar level that is in it...Don't worry mum...Well this entry is not about me liking to eat oranges but how it reminds me of someone I love dearly...I never told anyone this, but sometimes when I actually want to eat oranges is simply because I miss my arwah Tok...Hajah Zabedah Abdullah, a beautiful lady with so many stories to tell...
Well, I grew up with her and she was the one who never fails to feed me and made me a cute fat baby...So ada apa dengan buah oren and Tok?Being her 'tongkat' which she always relates me and my brother Raqim since we are her cucu that will always hold her hand where ever she goes...I can clearly remember how she would count 1,2 ,3 to go up an escalator while holding my hands...Tok loves sharing stories and loves joking with us...
One day, I was sitting down near her while she was peeling mandarin oranges for me...And out of the blue she asked me a question, "Ila nak pergi negeri Cina tak?". Being an innocent little kid I spontaneously said YES! Siapa tak nak pegi holiday kan? And guess what she did, she took the skin of the orange and squirt it to my eyes...Of course its memedihkan which made me close my eyes...And she said "Ha,tu dah dapat pegi negeri Cina,mata dah sepet." She chuckled and gave me a slice of the orange...How I miss that moment now that she is no longer with us...At times when I am peeling an orange and you know how those nasty thing will percik in your eyes, I will always feel that she is with me...
She was the one that would always try to bail me out of trouble...I accidentally broke the house phone and I remembered being so afraid if my dad were to find out about it...And I did not want to eat my dinner because I was so nervous and guess what she said to me "Takpe, nanti Tok cakap kat abah Tok yang buat phone tu rosak ok?" And of course being a fat kid, I ran to the dining table and happily eat my dinner...Things that she would do for me amazes me...I have so many things to share but whenever I write about her I will have tears in my eyes...I love you Tok...
I'll write more on Tok and of course my Mek as well...Both ladies has so much impact in my life...I just can't write anymore now....
Semoga roh kedua-dua nenek kesayanganku ditempatkan di kalangan orang-orang yang beriman...Ameen...
(Hajah Zabedah Abdullah & Hajah Halimah Mohamad)
"If you look deeply into the palm of your hand, you will see your parents and all generations of your ancestors.All of them are alive in this moment. Each is present in your body.You are the continuation of each of these people"
-Thich Nhat Hanh-
ain pun rse nak nnges..
sayang tok and tok mek..
tok slalu bg ain and adeq chocolate..
yup...ain ingat kan...arwah tok selalu bagi ain chocolate and roti bun...tok is also like your grandmother and I know she loved the both of you always...And of course arwah mek pun selalu sayang kita semua...nanti i will write about arwah mek...btw,ain boleh tanya adik tak kalau dia ada gambar arwah mek ngan pedro?
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